Sunday, May 4, 2008

A New Generation

Jonathan Roch Elliott was finally born on May 1, 2008 at 6:44 pm CST at 8 lbs 2 ounces and 19.5 inches long. Little Jonathan is the first 2nd cousin to be born on the Longtin side of the family and he is absolutely adorable. I can't wait to meet him. So at my stamp camp a few weeks ago Claudia showed us how to make onsie cards and i just thought how perfect would this be for Amy and Joe (the proud parents). Today was the first day since Thursday that I have been able to sit down and relax and I wanted to make sure I made this card before life got busy again. The paper is from a paper pack that I bought a few weeks ago and you can't really tell but it has glitter on the page and I just thought this pattern paper was very boyish :c) For the E in the monogram I used Stampin Up Newsprint alphabets in certainly celery and the smaller letters were from a stamp set i bought at Michaels and the trim is So Saffron. Isn't this such a cute card?!?!?!
I have been quite busy the past few days making stuff. I have two projects right now ... one is pretty much complete but I have to put a food item in a jar and when i went to go get it today the store was out *tear* so it probably won't get delivered until Tuesday. For my other project i have to get some more pattern paper and then print out some pictures. So hopefully that will be done this week too and i can post some pics. The next big projects will be birthday invitations and party gifts and that is going to be lots of fun :c) Well, i hope you all enjoy your Sunday and have a great week!!!

1 comment:

Claudia Perry said...

It's sooo cute, cute, CUTE!